ZKO Tokenomics

The ZKO token is the cornerstone of the Zkoracle ecosystem, designed to facilitate a wide range of transactions and incentives within the platform. Its introduction not only marks a significant milestone in Zkoracle's development but also enhances the platform's utility and engagement by integrating blockchain technology into its core functionalities.

ZKO Token Overview

Purpose and Utility:

  • Access to Premium Features: Holding ZKO tokens grants users access to advanced predictive analytics and exclusive market insights not available in the free version.

  • Participation in Governance: ZKO token holders have the right to participate in governance decisions, influencing the development and feature prioritization within the Zkoracle ecosystem.

  • Rewards and Incentives: Users can earn ZKO tokens as rewards for contributing data, participating in community events, or providing valuable market analyses.

  • Payment for Services: Services within the Zkoracle platform, such as personalized portfolio analysis or access to specialized data feeds, can be purchased using ZKO tokens.

Token Allocation

To ensure the sustainable growth of the Zkoracle ecosystem and the preservation of ZKO token value, the total supply is capped, with a strategic allocation as follows:

  • 60% Liquidity Pool: Ensures ample liquidity and stable trading conditions for ZKO tokens across exchanges.

  • 20% Community and Ecosystem: Allocated to fuel community growth, reward engagement, and support ecosystem partnerships.

  • 10% Team and Advisors: Reserved for the team and advisors, acknowledging their ongoing commitment and contributions to the Zkoracle project.

  • 5% Reserve: Acts as a strategic fund to address unforeseen challenges and capitalize on new opportunities.

  • 5% Marketing and Development: Invested in marketing initiatives and continuous development of the Zkoracle platform to drive user acquisition and platform enhancement.

Earning and Using ZKO Tokens

Earning ZKO Tokens:

  • Community members can earn ZKO tokens through various forms of participation and contribution to the Zkoracle ecosystem, including but not limited to data contribution and content creation.

  • Staking ZKO tokens not only supports the platform's liquidity but also rewards users with additional tokens, promoting long-term engagement and investment in the ecosystem.

Using ZKO Tokens:

  • Tokens are utilized within the Zkoracle platform to access exclusive features, pay for specialized services, and participate in governance, allowing users to leverage the full capabilities of Zkoracle and influence its evolution.

Last updated